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ARTE 703: Popular Culture, Intersectionality, and Critical Pedagogy 

In this graduate course, students study theories of popular culture and reflect on racial, gender, disability, and other social biases and inequities that are present in popular visual artifacts and sites. They also design a curriculum unit for their chosen grade level aimed to engage young people's critical thinking about popular images, products, and sites via classroom dialogue and self-reflexive art making.

ARTE 530: Art of Children

In this undergraduate course, students learn about historical and contemporary post-developmental and sociocultural theories of child art. They also conduct art activities at the local after-school programs and document their observations with field notes and reflections to understand the significance of art making in children's lives and identities.

ARTE 550/750: Integrating Digital Media in Art Education

This is a hands-on media literacy class in which both graduate and undergraduate students work with iMovie, Stop Motion, and open-source applications to create animation films, PSAs, and other digital projects that engage their critical thinking and civic awareness. They also create a professional artist/teacher website and design a digital media-based curriculum unit for their chosen grade level.


Below are some examples of student work:

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